Voluntary Codes of Conduct & Public Commitments

Voluntary Codes of Conduct and Public Commitments are non-legislated commitments, voluntarily made by the Canadian banking industry, companies, associations and other organizations to influence or control behaviour, for the benefit of both themselves and their communities. Equitable Bank has adopted a number of Voluntary Commitments and Codes of Conduct that are designed to protect our customers and serve you better.

The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) oversees our adherence to these Voluntary Codes of Conduct and Public Commitments. To read each code in full, click on a code title.


Commitment to Provide Information on Mortgage Security

A commitment to provide consumers with information about mortgage security in order to ensure consumers shopping for a residential mortgage have the information they need to make an informed decision.

Code of Conduct for Federally Regulated Financial Institutions - Mortgage Prepayment Information

If borrowers choose to break their mortgage or pay it off early, they may incur a mortgage prepayment charge. This code outlines the information that must be provided to assist borrowers in making an informed decision about mortgage prepayment.

Plain Language Mortgage Documents - CBA Commitment

A commitment to follow some basic plain language principles to make residential mortgage documents easier to read for borrowers.

Everyday Banking & Online Services

Commitment on Powers of Attorney and Joint Deposit Accounts

A commitment to provide certain information to customers to help them understand the implications of using a Power of Attorney (i.e., giving someone else the authority to do banking for them) or opening a joint deposit account (i.e., where two or more people have ownership rights over the same account).

Principles of Consumer Protection for Electronic Commerce: A Canadian Framework

A guide to protect customers in online transactions. More specifically, it sets out a number of principles that address information provision, contract formation, privacy, security of payment and personal information, redress, liability, unsolicited commercial email and consumer awareness.


Voluntary commitments and codes of conduct

This code provides guidance for the transfer of registered plans from one bank to another. A bank-offered registered plan typically holds deposit product investment options, such as a savings accounts and GICs. There are registered plans that hold broader investment options, including mutual funds, securities or precious metals bullion. Specific transfer rules apply based on the type of registered plan held.

Banking Services to Seniors

Code of Conduct for the Delivery of Banking Services to Seniors

A code of conduct that sets out principles that apply to banks to guide them when they deliver banking products and services to Canada’s seniors.

Fraud Protection/Liability

VISA Zero Liability Policy

This policy protects VISA cardholders by eliminating consumer liability against certain fraudulent VISA transactions.